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Greek army


The army list of the ancient city states. The Greek warriors with pike and large round shield forming the Phalanx is a picture we all see with our inner eyes when somebody talks about ancient warfare. And so it is not surprising that the Phalangites build the core of the ancient Greek army. Especially the cavalry is underdeveloped and even so called heavy cavalry is not really heavy.

Name Type Att. H Sv Cmd Sz Units Pts.  
Phalangites Inf 2 3 6 - 3 7/- 55 *1
Peltasts Inf 3/1 3 0 - 3 -/8 40 *2
Skirmishers Inf 2/1 3 0 - 3 2/6 40 *2,3,4
Cretans Inf 2/1 3 0 - 3 -/2 55 *3,4
Heavy Cavalry Cav 3 3 5 - 3 1/1 90  
Light Cavalry Cav 3/1 3 6 - 3 -/2 80 *2
General Gen 2 - - 9 1 1/-1 125  
Hero Her 1 - - 8 1 -/2 80  

*1 - The Phalanx is a dense formation of pike equipped troops. The formation is very strong to the front which looks like a hedgehog, but rather vulnerable to flank attacks. Please note that the unit does not have to be in Phalanx formation and that some of the rules are used only if the unit is in Phalanx formation.

The unit automatically adapts the Phalanx when the unit ends it's move in column formation.

Units trained in using the Phalanx may make full moves only when evading, being driven back or retreating or, when it started and ended the movement in column formation, did not change it's facing and did not move move more than half it's forward movement to the sides (I.e a unit moving 15 cm ahead, may not move more than 7.5 cm to the left or right). Against the standard rules this limitation is also used for charges.

A unit that started a charge in phalanx does not have to bring as many stands into contact with the enemy as possible, but can opt to stay in phalanx formation, but the movement restrictions apply.

If the unit is in Phalanx than any stand that would (using the standard rules) support another stand of the same unit will not support that stand, but will attack the front stand's enemy just as if they were in contact. The front stand can not receive support by the second rank attacker, but the second rank attacker can be supported as it counts as fighting. (I.e. a charging (3 stand) unit in Phalanx would have 6 attacks plus 1 support.

Cavalry will not charge the front of a unit in Phalanx formation.

Infantry can not charge the front of a unit in Phalanx formation by initiative only if given orders.

*2 - The unit has a reduced range of 15cm, because of short ranged weapons.

*3 - The unit has a firing arc of 360 degrees.

*4 - Skirmishers are used to harass the enemy with missile fire, but stay out of close combat.

Skirmishers are allowed to shoot before they move. They can shoot even before they move on initiative. When they shoot before they move they can not shoot in the shooting phase. The drive back is still resolved at the end of the ordinary shooting phase. When a unit that has been shot at by skirmishers is charged, it will not be driven back, but has still to roll the appropriate number of dices to see if it is confused.


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